I had a pleasant day. The sun came out and began melting the snow/ice. Finally!
I've continued to think about compartmentalization - especially today.
My exhusband could never compartmentalize his job. What does that mean? It means he used to offload all the days events onto someone else. This happens often when someone is unable to properly emotionally regulate or understand boundaries. They overshare.
It wasn't a problem in his world because he was not bound to protecting sensitive private data but instead operated in a large public utility system where multiple people needed to be informed of the day's events - I just happened to be dragged into that world. Often.
I don't have that stress anymore. Days like today - I'm grateful about that fact.
I know how bad it was during the last great movement. Hysterical noise aimed at citizens adds more unnecessary stress to first and second responders.
If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I'm not sure I'd believe it.
I'd be the first one to admit I had an unusual street view through my life position. I couldn't talk about these types of topics back then as I didn't want to jeopardize his job but we've been divorced for years. I am not immersed in that world anymore and he did nothing wrong. Turning to a wife for support is actually a good thing and I specialize in emotional regulation. But we had different life missions. I fully respect his commitment and desire to help others through his fast paced insanely stressful job - he's quite good at it. For me though? My passion was through medical caregiving. Also a very intense career path.
Oh there's some intersection between natural gas/medical because both involve a systemic approach to solving problems before they happen. To me, that is what defines intelligence in action. To solve problems without injury.
See something, say something. This phrase is something we're taught as children. Being honest helps break down site confusion and form an accurate picture of the environment that we all share. If your neighbor is doing something dangerous with their natural gas lines near your house- really doesn't matter their political affiliations. Being observant keeps people safe. Most don't even realize their actions could cause injury. They're just busy, exhausted and/or facing hardship.
Oversharing? Well, it's the opposite in my world - where adults have to speak in coded language while on duty or in front of children. It's fair to say that caregiving therapists overshare with one another because creative tips ease our daily struggles.
In times of heightened performance stress, the truth comes out - so does the required aftercare trauma processing. Being around other therapists only speeds up the healing. It's delicate. This form of intimacy. I happen to love that kind of benefit to my life and it does ease the emotional stress burden of my job itself- which is extremely high. However I'm conditioned to enduring significant stress. Not just from my current job but from being married to a natural gas technician. I never did overshare on my end. No one ever knew what my world was like.
I mention this because so much discussion about my current medical diagnosis and how I should blame or quit my job. I'm hearing it often and many just don't understand the importance of this emerging field so let me clear it up.
Providing care to developmentally disabled children is not the reason why I'm in a hypertensive crisis. Surviving the environment that society presses upon them? Is a much bigger factor and one that can be changed.
As for behavior and communication therapists? The art of observation only goes so far. The science of intervention - is absolutely critical now and for the future. Evidence based treatment exists. Quite simply, what can be applied to children can also be applied to politicians as they mismanage resources and disregard public safety.
It's hard to describe what it's like to hold this kind of occupational scope.
They're not being best.
