Today's theme - You can create your own luck.
I love Fridays. Once again, I'm exhausted. Not sure what I'm going to do this weekend with the kids. Despite the reputation of Kansas being flat - Wichita is not boring.
Sure, there are a lot of farms and rural areas, along with the additional challenges from extreme weather patterns - but it feels like home and it's very pretty.

I love embracing nature. Wish I could spend more time outdoors but the kids' challenges can be limiting, especially as a single mother. Leading two blind children around, one in a wheelchair, well - I'm only one person. I do enjoy these types of activities. Teaching my kids how to participate in society and developing independent life skills is a huge part of my life. Not only at my job but weekends at home as well.

Going on our adventures is something I like to blog about for many reasons. Most don't understand how difficult it is to navigate a city with a disability and well, it's fun. I'm a highly socialized person. Plus we've met so many incredible people on our journey so far - they like to keep up on Jake and Julia's progress.
Honestly? Facing the adult transition is going to be difficult. Looking back over the course of our lives - I wish I had journaled it all. Not only for reflective records but to help others as they encounter these same obstacles.
I believe leading by example is the best way to help others.
You can create your own luck - what does that mean to me?
I often felt very unlucky as I walked through life, collecting these wounds and talent.
I didn't choose intervention as a career. I chose it as a way of life.

There are many paths one could walk. Each path offers unique experiences and lessons, inviting exploration and introspection.
Paths of Life
The Path of Hope: A journey filled with dreams and aspirations, where every step brings a glimmer of possibility.
The Path of Pain: A winding road that teaches resilience, where every stumble becomes a lesson in strength.
The Path of Love: A vibrant trail marked by connections and bonds, where every encounter enriches the soul.
The Path of Wisdom: A serene route where reflection and knowledge intertwine, guiding the seeker towards enlightenment.
***Full disclosure - I just used the AI again to help me write about the life paths. While that may be valuable advice, "it's all the same." Generic. Bland. Pointless.
Meanwhile it's possible to culture intelligence. Raw creativity through honed instincts.
Chaometry. The mastery of chaos.
